Литература The Complete Guide To The Human Design System - Ra Uru Hu

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The Complete Guide To The Human Design System - Ra Uru Hu

3,55 Mb, 253 копируемые страницы, официальный материал про многие аспекты ДЧ (транскрипты лекций Ра 2008 года):

Введение, космология, кристаллы...
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9-центровые существа
Ложное "я"
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Влияние транзитов
Базы, тона, цвета
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After twenty-one years of teaching Human Design, Ra Uru Hu presented the opportunity to lay out a guide to the full spectrum of the knowledge. Adding to the historical nature of this program, Jovian Archive T.V. streamed Ra’s teachings. This Digital Book is a transcript of the 15 lectures taught in the Fall of 2008, including the original illustrations.

Weekly Themes

Each of the five weeks of the program featured a specific theme examined in the three consecutive classes of that week.

1. Cosmology: Juxtaposition and the New Order

2. Evolution: Homo Sapien, Homo Sapien in Transitus and Rave

3. Conditioning: The Godhead, the Program and the ‘Not-Self’

4. Mechanics: Strategy, Inner Authority and Decision making

5. Awareness: Correctness, Orientation and the Perfection of Being


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