Photoshop [Графика] 3990 шаблонов банеров

Голосов: 0
Название: 3990 шаблонов банеров

  • Facebook Ad - 1200 x 628 px
  • Twitter Lead Generation Card - 800 x 200 px
  • Twitter Image App Card - 800 x 320 px
  • Youtube Display Ad - 300 x 60 px
  • Youtube Display Ad - 300 x 250 px
  • Youtube Overlay Ad - 480 x 70 px
  • Google Small Square - 200 x 200 px
  • Google Vertical Rectangle - 240 x 400 px
  • Google Square - 250 x 250 px
  • Google Inline Rectangle - 300 x 250 px
  • Google Skyscraper - 120 x 600 px
  • Google Wide Skyscraper - 160 x 600 px
  • Google HalfPage Ad - 300 x 600 px
  • Google Banner - 468 x 60 px
  • Google Leaderboard - 728 x 90 px
  • Google Large Leaderboard - 970 x 90 px
  • Google Billboard - 970 x 250 px
  • Google Mobile Banner - 320 x 50 px
  • Google Large Mobile Banner - 320 x 100 px
  • Adroll Rectangle - 180 x 150 px
  • Adroll Vertical banner - 120 x 240 px
  • 3990 EPS files for Adobe Illustrator
  • 3990 PSD files for Adobe Photoshop
  • 3990 JPG files
  • Instructions on how to download and use


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